Nico Paris - Electrical Engineer

Hi, I'm Nico

I'm an Electrical Engineer with an interdisciplinary skillset and a passion for making cool stuff

Fruit Genie

The Flaming Lips at Google I/O 2019

I designed and built inflatable instruments and an AI-powered fruit bowl for the Flaming Lips to play during their concert at Google's 2019 I/O conference

The Google Assistant Ride

A Disney-style amusement ride for Google's 2019 CES booth

I designed and built a custom control system, as well as motor and servo controls to sync over 50 animatronic elements with narration

Google Hardware Store

An immersive retail experience showcasing features of Google's 2019 Hardware line

I designed and built a magic animated backdrop controlled by a swingset and bespoke toolboxes for trying new Made By Google devices

Google Home Mini Golf

A mini golf course designed to show guests how the Google Mini can help with life's little problems

I designed and built the voice-controlled system as well as electromechanical mechanisms and control for seven unique mini golf holes

Rosie the Android

A larger than life Rosie the Riveter-themed mobile Android statue

I designed and built a mobile base capable of moving a 200lb load controlled by a custom pocket-sized RC unit for discrete control during live activations